Well, I've come to the realization that I have to some how get out there what is going on with this hobby/business I started back in the spring. I thought that since I stay home with my children full time that I need something to do for myself. My idea: start an equine photography business. I have been riding horses most of my life. I currently own 3 and its been my life long dream to have a career with horses some how. Well, it only took me 15 years to figure it out. I don't have any real formal photography education . I basically purchased a nice camera and let my eye decide what I shoot. I do your basic ring shots but my favorite are the artistic candids. Horses are my only passion besides my family and my relationship with Jesus. So to be able to capture their beauty and majesty is a dream come true. I know not everyone will enjoy my photographs, but I have enjoyed being able to take them. Please feel free to leave comments. Constructive critics are welcome anytime.